
Welcome to Atlantic Ocean Blue

In starting this blog, my goal is to explore the art of Newfoundland and the artists who are creating, and those who created, here in this province. Following my graduation from the Art History BA program at the U of C, and especially upon my returning to live in Newfoundland, I realized how little I knew about the art of my native province. As a means to remedy this, I am going to make a concentrated effort to move from a mere acquaintance to one who shares a close bond with Newfoundland art, via this blog. I’ve decided to open up my writing and experiences/reactions to the public so that what I learn can be shared simultaneously with anyone who shares an interest.

What’s in a name?

As for the title, I wanted to find a link between Newfoundland artists, as exemplified in a single word or phrase. There is a lively and active presence in the lives of all Newfoundlanders  the ocean. The blue mass, shifting, crashing, and swirling on the edge of the island, enveloping it, contains an infinite amount of blue hues, tinged with the white of activity and backlit with the black of the deep. The ocean is present in many artists' portfolios and, no doubt, exists (in some capacity) in all Newfoundlanders’ lives. The “blue” of the ocean is represented prevalently throughout the art; hence, Atlantic Ocean Blue was born. While Newfoundland shares the Atlantic Ocean with Spain, Brazil, and others, the North Atlantic that engulfs this province is unique to us. For that matter, the specific hue of “blue” off the coast of Newfoundland is unique as viewed from person to person and from moment to moment. The breadth of “blues” that make it to the canvas (or finished artwork) is evidence of this.

"Cape Spear, Newfoundland," Denis Dion, (digital) photograph, 2007

"Iceburg & Whale," Christopher Kovacs, watercolour, 9.5"x16," 2007.

"Iceburg Alley," Lloyd Pretty, watercolour, 14"x20" 

"On the Collar," Tish Holland, 12" x 14", watercolour, 1993.

To view the shifting compass of colour that is the Atlantic Ocean, watch this lovely music video, “You’ll Go Far” by Jenn Grant, which was shot on the Northern tip of Newfoundland. 

Jenn Grant, (SOCAN), © and (P) Six Shooter Records inc., 2009